Manistique King Salmon Fishing Charters
The Port of Manistique is one of the most up to date ports in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It offers newly remodeled facilities (restrooms,fish cleaning station , parking lot, and boat slips in the Marina) for the salmon fisherman and the tourist who wants to go Charter fishing with “Delta Dawn Charters”
The Manistique waters of Lake Michigan are just north of Fairport and provide the biggest variety of fishing in the Upper Peninsula. Lake Trout,Coho,Pink Salmon, Steelhead and the Mighty King Salmon are plentiful.
Delta Dawn Charters is the only full time based Fishing Charter out of Manistique which means more time spent on Manistique Lake Michigan Waters. When you board the Delta Dawn you will find the most advanced charter fishing equipment that the sport has to offer. So you’re up and on the water at 5am and while you are waiting to see the sun rise, you will hear Capt.Bill yell “ Fish on “ and the excitement begins! The mighty King Salmon is hooked up and taking line!

Men’s Derby Delta Dawn Charters and crew took 5th Place in Salmon Division and 1st place in Trout Division!

Delta Dawn Charters took, biggest King and second place overall in Manistgue ladies Derby. Congratulations ladies , job well done!
Salmon, Trout & Walleye Charter Fishing